Thursday, November 7, 2013

FIx proxychais-metasploit postgresql connection FAIL

The last days i have been trying to use metasplot with proxychains just to play with and learn a little i have just figure out the basic use of proxychains and metasploit but when i went to use metasploit with proxychains the problems came out:

[-] Failed to connect to the database: could not connect to server: Connection refused
    Is the server running on host "" and accepting
    TCP/IP connections on port 5432?

so i start reading firs over the internet and found that i have to tweak the proxychain.config file in order to fix the problem i got it from this site:
 ~----> /etc/proxychains.conf:::localnet 000

use the line above with no luck so i check out if postresql were up, and it ware not so i start it up but the problem still there and after several tries to fix the problem using the localnet configurations none of thease seems to work then i try to set up tor over different network so proxychains does not get confused on when to proxying the request but this does not fix the problem 


after several tries to fix this problem i have just get it fixed and stated that:
check out tor works ok
$ sudo service tor start|status
check out postgre
$ sudo service postgresql start|status
and finally

$ sudo proxychains msfconsole


so all the time the problem were this the use of sudo wich means that when proxychains tries to bind up with postgres then the system does not allow it why i could not see this on the logs well i was not checking the logs DAMM! but here is the correction

i found this on the log for tor /var/log/tor/log

Nov 07 13:09:39.439 [warn] Your application (using socks4 to port 5432) is giving Tor only an IP address. Applications that do DNS resolves themselves may leak information. Consider using Socks4A (e.g. via privoxy or socat) instead. For more information, please see [1 similar message(s) suppressed in last 5 seconds]
Nov 07 13:09:39.454 [warn] Rejecting SOCKS request for anonymous connection to private address [scrubbed]
Nov 07 13:09:39.462 [warn] Rejecting SOCKS request for anonymous connection to private address [scrubbed]

now using sudo:

Nov 07 13:11:49.728 [warn] Your application (using socks4 to port 53) is giving Tor only an IP address. Applications that do DNS resolves themselves may leak information. Consider using Socks4A (e.g. via privoxy or socat) instead. For more information, please see

meaning no complains :0

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